Speaking of Sydney, what image do you have? One of the most famous places is the Opera House, isn't it? Our friends who are leaving Australia wanted to go there. They booked a ticket for me.
It is said that we should wear a formal costume to the Opera House. So, I wore a dress which I brought from Japan and had never taken on so far. However, surprisingly, there were many people who took quite casual clothes like jeans. A custom seems to be changing. We were satisfied spending a night with an affected way. Night views from the Sydney Harbour were so beautiful! I really thought that I lived in such a stunning city! Even if I'm with a normal guy there, I might fall in love easily~:-) I want to go to a brass band concert If I have money...
The name of the program is 'Edward Scissor hands'. This story became a movie
before. While I had never watched the movie...I did enjoyed watching the musical!!! The musical had no songs, no lines. Actors and actresses just danced with music. But I could understand contents and have a fun to watch so many elements of dancing that I did not want to blink not to miss any dancing and performances. Though I tend to see musicals and concerts as one of music players (I don't like this habit...), I was impressed and pleased! I'm frustrated not to be able to describe my impression because of a lack of my vocabulary!
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