
Mardi Gras!

Do you know "Mardi Gras"? It is said to be one of famous festival in the world. In Sydney, the festival is held for homosexual people every year. We went to the venue for three hours before to have seats as same as I waited a parade when I went to Tokyo Disneyland.
After three hours, the festival began with noise of so many motorcycles. Participants rode each motorcycle with their partner and wave with a smile at spectators. Can you imagine such an atmosphere in Japan? I actually saw homosexual people for the first time. According to my Japanese friend, we often can see them in Tokyo... But, the festival made us think about human rights. They wore funny costumes with strong spirits!
The parade lasted until midnight. This year is 30th anniversary. Their feeling over the festival seemed to run higher than usual!
I could have a precious experience and come back to home without being picked up by them. (The reason why I wrote it is because I heard some people were often picked up by participants!)

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