
What's the Australian foods??

Recently, I often ask my friends what is the Australian foods?
Yesterday, our friends who had studied at University of Yamanashi until last semester invited me to go to a Korean restaurant. (The restaurant seems to be popular among local students.) We enjoyed eating and chatting a lot. After going back to my home, my host mother said my room smelled chili and garlic as same smell as she went to a Korean restaurant in Korea. So, I apologised her and had to spray fragrant in my room... but it must be a proof of having real Korean foods!
Today, I went to a Vietnamese restaurant with other friends. I had a chicken and fried tomato rice. It was like a Western pilaf. But it seems to be a popular Vietnamese food according to a my friend who has Vietnamese background.
Besides, we can eat many real foods in Australia. And most of my friends don't know what the Australian foods are. While I thought steak was one of them, a friend who is from America said it was an American food. Um.

I will find the answer of this question eating many foods taking care my body not to be fat! Also, I guess my current Engels coefficient is higher than before. I have to save money...

4 件のコメント:

Steve Henneberry さんのコメント...

I went to a Korean restaurant the other night with Okumura Sensei, and I think that I smelled like garlic for a few days after that... I LOVE Korean food. I also used to go to Vietnamese restaurants when I lived in Boston. I used to love the soups...
Sounds like you are having fun down there. Tell everyone in the group that I say "Hi!".

Miho さんのコメント...

To Mr.Henneberry
Did you go to a Korean restaurant in Yamanashi? Both of foods, Korean and Vietnamese,are spicy! I love spicy foods!
They really want to see you! Take care your body in cold Japan!

Steve Henneberry さんのコメント...

Yes, the Korean restaurant was in Kofu, down the road from Starbucks. I do not remember the name, but it was a small shop. m(_ _)m
As to my body in "cold Japan", I have quite enough fat to keep me warm. ;^D It is already warming up here quite a bit. The cherry blossoms are already falling, and the days are quite comfortable. The nights can still be a bit cold though. The other night, the winds were so strong that I felt like I was sleeping in a tent on the peak of Fuji-san! The whole house was shaking!
I guess that since Japan is getting warm, that it will start getting cooler there in Australia soon... You better get your earmuffs ready! ;^P

Miho さんのコメント...

To Mr.Henneberry
I want to go there after going back to Japan and having enough Japanese foods:)
As you said, autumn is coming. I can't stand without long sleeves in the morning and at night. But some local people are still taking tank tops or short sleeves...