
How have I been...?

Hi! Sorry for no posting for looooooooooong time...

What mostly I had been doing was job-hunting. I guess that the period would be the hardest time in my life. It is natural for us to spend a long time to decide the way to our future, though...
I had to remove something fun to get a job, which made me feel tired and depressed. How many times have I taken tests...? The depression, in terms of economy, definitely hit our job-hunting as well...

Finally my future course was set...! I will be a civil servant at the town hall in my hometown. I would like to work at an international exchange program between my hometown and sister cities because I had emphasized the importance of the program at the meeting exams. Waiting for the chance, what I have to do is brushing up my English again!

8 件のコメント:

Steve Henneberry さんのコメント...

I am glad to see that you are getting back to the blog! Also, congratulations on the new job! You must be relieved to be done with the job-hunting. I imagine that it can be tiresome, and especially difficult in the current economy.
Feel free to stop by the blogging class this semester if you like, we would love to have you drop by for a visit.

Mai さんのコメント...

Hey! It seems that you started your blogging again ne!! Yei~
Congratulations!! I'm sooo glad that you got the job which you wanted to get.
Hope you have much more lovely time from now on, without feeling nervous or tired.


Miho さんのコメント...

To Mr.Henneberry
Thank you very much! I guess that something interesting which is good to write on this blog will be coming up to my life:)
I'd love to visit your class! Also, I'm trying to check the blog of UNH!

Miho さんのコメント...

To Mai
You inspired me to be back blogging again! Thanks!!
And, one more thanks! Now is my turn to cheer you up:) I keep my fingers crossed that you get a good result:^)

L.Jav さんのコメント...

Glad you're blogging again.

ローラ さんのコメント...

Congratulations on your job! I hope you can use your English skills.

Miho さんのコメント...

To L.Javelle
Thanks! I would love to write as long as someone visits the blog.

Miho さんのコメント...

To ローラ
No matter whether I will use English on my work, I want to continue studying:)