
I'm home!

I'm safe back in Japan today! What I said at first when I got off the airplane was 'it' cold in Japan!' It would take time to adopt my body into Japanese climate...

On the airplane, I started reading messages which I got from my friends at the last drinking party. All messages reminded me of my life in Australia. To my shame, I was going to cry alone there. It was so long flight from Australia to Japan that I work hard to kill a time not to cry again.
On my way to my home from Narita airport, I felt strange feeling for everything. I have seen something but it looks different from that before... I might be Taro Urashima...haha... Because I had an urge for Japanese rice, I asked a person who picked me up from the airport to drop at a Japanese restaurant. I'm still a Japanese even though I stayed in Australia for nine months. Although he said my Japanese sounds a bit funny... I have to practice Japanese in order to get a future job. Of course, I will keep studying English!!! What I felt a pressure is that I have to show off my English for my teachers and friends. I do not know whether I can come through their expectations. But I could say I had a really precious experience there anyway!!!

I'm home, Japan! Please do not miss me you Australian guys! I won't cry anymore because I believe that we can meet again some day;^)

9 件のコメント:

L.Jav さんのコメント...

Glad you had fun on your trip.

Steve Henneberry さんのコメント...

Welcome back! I completely understand how you felt coming back to Japan. Whenever I go back to the states I feel the same way. My friends and family always say that my English sounds funny too...
I look forward to running into you on campus soon, it will be great to catch up and hear stories of your time down under.

oj さんのコメント...

It\'s Melody 出逢いも別れも新しい音をくれる
あの笑顔も失くせない音 yeah
just Melody Melody 忘れないで 遠く離れていても
君のMelody 聞こえてるから

Miho さんのコメント...

To L.Javelle
thanks! i'm safe back in japan.

Miho さんのコメント...

To Mr.Henneberry
i'm sorry for the late reply and greeting you in campus. as i said when we had a lunch together, we had really nice time in australia. yeah, it's hard to talk everything in the lunch time. i hope we can have a dinner all together:)

Miho さんのコメント...

To oj
what a nice rylic it is!
it must have been hard to make it in english and japanese. thanks very much!!

ローラ さんのコメント...

Hi Miho, I really enjoyed reading your blog, especially about your experience in Australia. I hope you'll continue to update!

I am from Australia and will be going to Japan next month. I will be living and teaching English in Yamanashi. I'm looking forward to it!

Miho さんのコメント...

To ローラ
thanks for your comment! and sorry for not replying for a long time...
I couldn't have done blogging because of job-hunting, but i'm trying to come back again.
are you still in yamanashi now?

ローラ さんのコメント...

That's fine! I understand, I am also busy with work but now it's 夏休み!

I am living in Otsuki and will be here for at least a year :)