
Multicultural experience

One of my friends, Rachel invited me to stay at her home and go to the church with a Japanese friend. She is a Chinese-Australian. Her family welcomed us in English and Chinese.
Her house looks like an English house. But, there were many Chinese ornaments in the living room. At dinner, her mother served us Chinese home dishes.

The next day, we went to the church and took part in the 13th Baptism Service. My friend's father is a priest. He proceeded the service in Chinese (Mandolin and Cantonese) and English. I don't study Chinese... so I read a booklet and guessed the meaning of Chinese characters. According to a my friend, it was the special day when Chinese, Hong Kong people, and Chinese- Australian get together at the same church, today. Religion get over the barrier of languages! I have ever been to the church in Japan because I went to Catholic preschool. However, the service had a different atmosphere in spite of that the service was as same as Japanese one. I felt the power of languages!
After the service, her family took us to a Chinese buffet restaurant. Even it was a Chinese restaurant, we could eat Chinese foods, Thai foods, and Western foods. There was only one Japanese food, Tempura. It was beyond my expectation to define what Australian culture is!

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