
"Custom makes...

One of our friends, Harshini invited us to go to a BBQ party. UTS students who went to Japan to study as exchange students got together at the party. According to them, they used to go to meet others who went to other Uni. (in Tokyo,Yamanashi, Hakodate, and Yokohama) while their study in Japan. University of Yamanashi has an arrangement with UTS only in Australia. We can't see other Japanese students from Yamanashi in Australia. I envied them.

Anyway,we talked about Japan and Australia. I was happy to hear that they had great times in Japan. Sometimes, we corrected their Japanese mistakes as they do our English mistakes. They understand our felling and difficulties of studying language. Speaking of our English...

We use many words after looking up dictionaries. It is a common way among learner. But, in daily conversation, we seem to speak unusual words. For example, when we want to say "慣れる" in English, we had used "be accustomed to~" since they pointed out. They told us that native speakers spoke "get used to~" usually. I thought it was one of weak points of Japanese learners who has studied language at a desk. As Mr. Makimoto who helps us to come here in Japan said to me, "CUSTOM MAKES ALL THINGS EASY", which may be the best way to be a good speaker.

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