

No one would not expect me to run 14kilometers in Australia. Me neither...!

Sydney has a big running and walking event from Hyde Park to Bondi beach in every August, which is called 'City to Surf'. Although I had heard about it from one of my classmates, I had not thought to join it actually because I don't like a marathon competition, races, and something like that. However, if I miss this time, I will never join the event...Such an idea came up to my mind again. Also, one more reason why I joined is to be able to buy UTS team T-shirt. It might be trivial reasons...But, I guess most of Australian runners are not serious to run:) I had seen some pictures of runners who wore funny costumes. Anyway, even though we knew how long I would run, I was so busy that I could not do any exercise.
When we got to the starting place, Hyde Park, there had already been soooooo many people! This year, about 70,000 people join the event!! Can you imagine that number of crowd? Even if I wanted to run, I couldn't do because of people, people, and people... Some adults were taking baby cars walking as participants. On the way, landscape was really nice. A lot of children worked as volunteer worker and cheered us up. (One of my English teacher said having fun at mass events was a kind of Australian culture!) After three and a half hours later, we finally got to the goal. Though I had run much longer didistance, I was satisfied with a sense of achievement X)
Our name will be printed on a newspaper day after tomorrow...

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