

An international feast of food, music, dance and more...which is called 'In-fusion'! In this week, UTS was vibrant with the multicultural event. It's just like multicultural country, Australia!

Today, one of in-fusion event was held at a UTS dormitory. Only student residents can attend the event. We were asked to take part in some contest or performance. In particular, we joined the cooking competition! Speaking of Japanese food, a lot of people would imagine 'Sushi' especially 'roll sushi'. It is not interesting to make expected food, so we made 'tsirashi zushi'. It was hard to collect special ingredients of it. But, some friends led us to manage our roles. Thanks to them, we did make a beautiful and fantastic Sushi! (Japanese foods are quite colourful!) Unfortunately, though it could not win on the competition, our sushi was eaten out. Also, there were many kinds of foods from over the world. For example, India curry, French cakes, Vietnamese spring roll, and so on. I ate too much foods! (Because of it, I have stomachache now...) While we were eating, some people had performance from their countries. It showed that everyone has opportunities to tell their culture in Australia. It's nice event, isn' it? If possible, I want to join again!

2 件のコメント:

L.Jav さんのコメント...

Glad you're enjoying the dorm life. I tried it my first year of college, but couldn't deal with it.

Miho さんのコメント...

To L.javelle
Thanks to many events, I can enjoy uni life more and more. But, in my first semester, i had many difficulties...