
thank you my australian family!

Today was the last day to stay with my host family because I decided to move to UTS dormitory. Tomorrow, I have to check in and move to new place.
Since I came here, I have lived with my host family. As I wrote before on this blog, they are immigrants. So, their life styles are different from Aussie family whom Kanako and Mai stay with. Sometimes, I felt cultural differences and difficulties to stay. But, I could have very very precious experiences! Even though I go to the UK (my host father's home country) or Belgium (my host mother's home country), I cannot have such a life. Don't you think so?
The last week was the worst week. Everyone except my host father was sick... Though I wanted to help them somehow, I think I could not do anything special for them. However, fortunately, I could have a last dinner with them all. Finlay they recovered from sickness! I tried to talk more than usual. Sure thing...I was very quiet when I had a dinner with them for the first time. haha.

Anyway, after the dinner, I gave them a present. I wrote mannnnnnnnnnnny massages and collected my favorite pictures of them to make them remember me whenever they have a look my present. My host sister and mother gave me presents as well. There would remind me of staying with them for five months!

Because of my defect of vocabulary, I cannot express my appreciation in words... The longer I was with you, the more I knew your family, and the more trouble I made to you, which must be my memory forever...THANK YOU VERY MUCH for taking care of me as a part of your family! I will visit you at least once before I go back to Japan!!!

2 件のコメント:

L.Jav さんのコメント...

I know how you feel, my host family was very nice and I was sad to have to leave them.

Miho さんのコメント...

To L.javelle
yeaah, i know...but we can meet our host family if we want! We were parts of their family for a while!