
25, April

If you are Japanese, do you know ANZAC day? ANZAC means Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
It was ANZAC day, today. It is one of important public holidays when we remind soldiers who fought and died in World War. We have learnt about it as a part of Australian culture in classes. Though it seems to relate with Japan, I did not know anything. Have you Japanese studied about it in history class?

The service and a big parade were held in City. I saw the parade on our way to Darling Harbour with my host family. What I heard at first was sounds of the bagpipe. With these sounds, many people walked slowly taking medals which praise going to the War. They did never look happy but serious.
At grocery shops, we can buy ANZAC biscuits which evoked biscuits made by mothers and wives of soldiers to send to fighting places. Naturally, this biscuits sold out on that day. I will buy it to taste a military food and for a snack.

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