As you can find a picture in this blog, host mother's father and mother have stayed at home. They came here three weeks ago from Belgium. It seems to be an annual event for them to visit my host family in this season. So, I will have spent with them for six months. Host grandma speak only Flemish which is a public language in Belgium. Flemish is mixed language with French and German. I can't use English with her as a communication tool. But, I can learn non-verbal communication and a little Flemish. For example, "good morning", "thank you", and so on. (I don't know these spellings...) I barely communicate with her without any common languages with gestures.
Today was Meme (grandma in Flemish)'s birthday. I gave her a birthday card. Though I tried to search a Flemish dictionary and to write a message in Flemish by myself, I could not find anything. So, I asked my host mother to translate my massage into Flemish.
Blij dat je hier bent. (I'm happy to spend with you.)
Geviet van de dag. (Hope you have a wonderful time.)
I wrote down these sentences on a birthday card. It's precious experience to spend Belgian and to cerebrate her in Australia. Gelukkige Meme!
2 件のコメント:
fantastic~~ your learning flemish too~~
i'll visit your blog often so keep writing ne??
To andiekun
Thank you for a comment! Thanks to readers, I can keep writing this blog;)