
To Melbourne ~Day1

Yesterday, I left Sydney to Merboune. It's the first traveling alone. I was going to go travel with friends at first. No one had a good schedule with me. This travel was not just for a fun, but a challenge!

I got a night bus from Sydney to Melbourne. It took almost twelve hours... When I arrived at Melbourne, I was like economy class syndrome. Today's schedule was to join a tour to the Philip island. I hanged around the Visitor Centre and the Queen Victoria Market until a meeting time. This market was similar with Paddy's market in Sydney, and sold many stuff (vegitables, fruits, meat, fish,dairy products, clothes, and so on).

The tour I joined today was day trip. We went to the Maru zoo and watched some animals. There were rare white kangaroos. I could watch Koalas as well! But touching them is banned even in Victoria...I just enjoyed taking photos.
We dropped in a beach on our way to the Penguin Parade. I sunk down in thought watching sunset and over the ocean (There must be the South Pole)! We had already been in the Philip island. Little penguin which is the most little penguin in the world came out at sunset. Many people waited them taking on big jackets. Because of a sea gull which is a natural enemy, penguins were scared to appear. It took more than one hour to watch them. It was so cute that I wanted to take one of them to home. Unforunately, taking photo is prohibited to protect their lives. According to a bus guide, tourism issues are quite serious esperially in Australia...
Although I have been to some zoo in Australia, today's tour let me know new faces. Also, I made a friend who is from Germany and stays in Sydney in the tour!

2 件のコメント:

Emily さんのコメント...

Hi Miho^^

Travelling always gives us sooo good experiences.
How rich is Australia of nature :P
I also wanted to travel with you.
If you want, i'll tell you some words of German with pleasure.

Miho さんのコメント...

To emily
Traveling told me sooooooo many things. I noticed how large the earth is from Australian nature.
Let's go traveling together!
I may send you email to ask German phrases;)