
From Tasmania~Day4

Today, we got up early again and joined a tour to go to the Port Arthur which was established as a traditional prison of convicts from England in 1830. As it is said that Tasmania has a sad history of Australia, I did not know that such a historical place is located there but in the main land. On the bus, each of us got a tramp card which a man or woman was drawn. These people were people in the prison and found at the Museum. The man who was printed on my card was chased by gangs moved there. People were sent there even though their crimes were not so heavy. Some of them seemed to commit crime to escape from poor life.

When I went out the museum, I was so surprised because there were so beautiful yard and buildings. I supposed convicts' mind would have become pure if they stayed there for a while. But, I changed my mind. When I had a look a penitentiary, I did not want to imagine what I would have done or something like that. Some rooms did not have any rooves and floors...

Around 1 o'clock, we joined a harbour tour which we can get explanation of the history at an outer island. The island also looked nice. There had also graves sad histories of convicts though...
We learned much history of it, which was good while we were not so comfortable. However, it must be necessary for us to go traveling not just for fun. That is why I cannot stop traveling! Of course, we enjoyed this traveling a lot! It would be the last trip for me in Australia. I really want to thank Kasumi (sitting next to me in the right photo) who invited me and Grace (the second right of the right photo) and Cici (the right of the right photo) for traveling together.

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