
In Tasmania~Day2

Today, we rent a car to go away from Hobert. Today's theme was EATING! It's dangerous theme for me who is on diet...

First, we dropped at a cheese factory. It was much smaller than we expected. We tasted more than five cheese made in the factory. Goat cheese had a strong smell and taste. (I didn't like it.) We bought nothing and drove for the next food.
Next food was chocolate! In Australia, there is a famous sweets company, Cadbury which deals with chocolate, ice cream, candy and so on. Grace and Cici really wanted to come to the factory so that they decided the factory as the first destination. They applied a visitor tour for an hour. Contrary to our expectation, what we did there was to have explanation of how to make chocolate and history of the company. We were depressed and bought a lot of cheaper chocolates which were not sold because of defect.

The last food was bread. While it took about two hours to get there, we, Japanese wanted to go to a famous bakery 'Ross Village Bakery'. It is said that Studio Giburi movie 'Kiki's delivery service (魔女の宅急便)' was based on the bakery. I love the movie! The bakery was a bit different from our images. But, we found a black cat, gigi's dolls were sold. Shopper aunt seemed to be accustomed to Japanese tourists. She suggested us to take a picture at a counter with Kiki's pose like resting our chin on our hands, which made my interests gone, unfortunately...

After that, we thought we had time to go to wineries. However, because of clapped car navigation, we got lost and ran out of time to go. Instead, we went out to a pub 'New Sydney' (even though we were in Tasmania!) and drunk Tasman beer and wine. Though I could not distinguish how was different from normal beer and wine, I was satisfied with fashionable night at the pub with live musical performance. Umm...I ate much today...

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