
Mystery Excursion

Today, we had the last class in this semester! The content of today's class was... MYSTERY EXCURSION! No students knew our destination. We just gathered at Circular Quay and followed our teachers.

The venue was...a teacher's house! It was so grant and big. She must be rich...More than 30 students and teachers were there and enjoyed talking and eating, which was like a party! Was it a sort of excursion. We were divided into three classes at the beginning of this semester. The party was held for us all together. All of us were international or exchange students. As far as I know, there were students who are from France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Korea, and Japan. We rarely have opportunities to meet such international people at the same time. Some of us are leaving Australia in this month. We had a precious time to talk with many students. Whenever I talk with international friends, I can notice a power of languages. Even though some people argue if English is the main language in the world or not, our common tool to communicate each other is English. One of reason why I chose to come to Australia is because I can meet many kinds of people. I do achieve my purpose just now! Thank you teachers and my friends for spending with me in this semester! My first semester passed very quickly!!
...Of course, I have to study English even in holiday anyway...

6 件のコメント:

Emily さんのコメント...

Hi Miho :D
It should have be so exciting!!
I think australian are so rich.
Hope you'll have great time.

Miho さんのコメント...

To emily
I cannot believe that it was one of classes! I think the teacher who held the party is especially rich...
By the way, I linked your blog~:)

Steve Henneberry さんのコメント...

Maybe I should move to Australia to teach so that I can get a big house too! I don't think that I could fit more than ten students in my house at once, and even then they would not all have seats... I guess that is one good thing about Japan, nobody minds sitting on the floor! ;^)
I was surprised to follow the link over to Emily's blog and see that you are all commenting in English there also. You guys are doing a great job with the blogging! I am really proud of you all. Keep up the good work!

Miho さんのコメント...

To Mr.Henneberry
I had never visited such a big house! Definitely, we don't have to care about the number of seat in Japan. Well...you can held a party and invite students to your house!
We can keep in touch each other with our blogs!Thank you so much:)

Steve Henneberry さんのコメント...

Maybe when you all get back to Japan I will have you all over for dinner. How does that sound? I may not be able to fit thirty students in my house, but I am pretty sure that I can fit three...

Miho さんのコメント...

To Mr.Henneberry
Really!? It sounds cool! I would love to have a dinner and talk with you!! I remember that we had a dinner together at a Gust:)